Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The ability to know this rotation isn't permanant..

You are the maker of your own happiness. Daniel and I have realized that the opportunity to travel, at this point in our lives, is certainly something we can't take for granted. and certainly has challenges that we didn't even think about when we started talking about traveling. When we researched living on the road and there were aspects that didn't arise until we hit the road. All that said, we are grateful for this experience and would not change it. We meet people often that are not able to travel until they retire. Many of them are only able to "travel" because they work as a park host. Of course we meet people that travel for pure joy they however, are completely jealous of our age. We hear "Oh how we wish we could have experienced this at your age." They have aches, pains, medical issues, etc. In fact we have met many an older couple having trouble maneuvering their rig. They get so frustrated that they consider giving up what they dreamed of doing in retirement because they just don't think they could RV.

We know we are very fortunate however, here is the other thing...We made this happen. We decided to go on the road. We decided this was a great opportunity for our family. We were newly married, some thought it was neat, others thought we were crazy, but we had nothing to lose. I am not saying this is for everyone, because I certainly can't see many of my friends doing this. know who you are. What I am saying is that we get out of life and happiness what we put into it.

Of course everyone goes through times of frustration. Even now as we travel this rotation isn't the best. Many of the full time people at this facility are NOT happy and they take it out on all the travelers. Over 3/4 of the therapy department are travels and the full timers are (I am guessing jealous) and extremely unhappy. And well it makes for a tough three months for the travelers. Apparently many don't make it for the full rotation.

That said, often it seems as though it takes something major for people to make the change. I am so thankful that Daniel and I really talked about this opportunity and after much thought, we took it! Traveling didn't happen overnight but  we did it. Even when we hit a tough rotation, all the others make it worth it. No each day isn't roses and glitter and gum drops and happy dances (like when I am up on the roof or below the 5th wheel or digging for something else) but, I am so happy we are having this life experience. I know I have said this many times but, we have been places and experienced things we would not have otherwise.

We aren't promised tomorrow and we have no idea what the future we have to make the best of today!

Lots of love to each of you. Make today a fun one! :)