I can't believe little guy is 8 months old! Seriously...we love you so much!!The end of March me made the trip to NWA for one of my besties wedding. **Total side note and really just for me..but on the way we had to stop in McAlester OK, and we put the kiddo in the seat part of the cart. He loved it, couldn't stop laughing, and talking to everyone. I had been waiting to do this when Daniel was with us plus I knew he would eat it up. I will say that this makes it much harder to get through a store quickly! He smiles at everyone and then they all want to talk to him. HA! Makes me heart happy to have such a happy little guy!**
Ok now back to the real story! Kerryanne and I met in college and were sorority sisters. She married a great guy who I also knew in college, although the two of them didn't meet for several years later. The bride looked gorgeous!
Something I have dreamed of.. playing with my family on Old Main Lawn! I remember doing this as a kid and wanted to someday do this with my family!
Sunday morning we had a crew for lunch. We met Shannon, Jason and Baby Bryce at Common Grounds on Dickson. My parents, the Watson's and Sue joined us as well. It was quite the change to be on Dickson with kids! HA! Wyatt got to sit in an highchair in a restaurant for the first time...a fun milestone!
Daniel left to drive back to TX on Sunday and I stayed with my parents for a week and a half longer. This way they could get in some playtime with Wyatt and we would be able to see a few more people while in town. Wyatt got to see lots of my parents land, animals, play with Elmo the monkey, celebrate my mama's birthday, and swing, swing, swing.
Monday evening before I left my mom and I had a girls night with one of her students. We took a sweet girl out to dinner and to shop for clothing. In this girls 15 years she had not been shopping for herself. Between Daniel and I, my parents, and my moms art club we were able to get her several new outfits, shoes, essentials, a bathing suite, and a a few girlie things. It warmed my heart so much to actually see how much she appreciated the things we got her. Daniel and I give often either money to students and families at my moms school or clothing items however, this time I saw first hand the impact we had and look of excitement and joy it brings. Make me happy we are able to help in some little way and give back to the community in which I was raised.
Wyatt and I flew back to TX last Wed. The flight went smoothly and Wyatt did great. He has flown before, but I was a little nervous because you just never know with kiddos. I can't get over how many people want to help you when you are flying alone with a baby. It can be nice as they want to help in anyway they can. The flight attendants kept gushing over him and they told me a million times he should be a baby model. Well sure...:)
Daniel's sister was nice enough to have us over for dinner. Michelle - I really appreciated this as it was nice to not have to come in and cook!
We had a great visit and I know my parents are really missing us. They loved having us, spoiled Wyatt, and probably didn't mind the fact that I made dinner every night! HA! Miss you guys!
Let us know how you are all doing!
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