Friday, September 26, 2008

Its that time again...Hit that line, Hit that line...

Well the smack talk hasn't really stopped since the Hogs were supposed to play the Horns 2 weeks ago. So..Daniel woke up to this yesturday morning! They are everywhere and now we are at war!
Daniel just loves this song.. (big smiles)

Hit that line! Hit that line! Keep on going,
Take that ball right down the field!
Give a cheer. Rah! Rah! Never fear. Rah! Rah!
Arkansas will never yield!
On your toes, Razorbacks, to the finish,
Carry on with all your might!
For it's A-A-A-R-K-A-N-S-A-S for Arkansas!
Fight! Fight! Fi-i-i-ght!