First I feel the need to jump into real time and explain (if nothing else but for myself when I look back to read the blog book) why it has taken me so long to blog about Wyatt's birth up to this point. 1. We have moved 3 times in the past 3 months. This is a bit more than normal, as we typically only move every 3 months. We traveled from Oregon to Arkansas when he was just a few days old (more on that later) to Pine Bluff, AR. Then at just around a month at that rotation we had to abruptly move to Hot Springs. We got very lucky as assignments in AR are never on the board. Again after about a month another abrupt move and this time to east TX. We made the move 2 weeks ago are hoping to stay here at least until the holidays. It seems as though just as I finally get things set up, we were moving again. 2. We have been busy showing this boy off! We visited my parents several weekends, made a trip to NWA to see friends, Daniel's mom came to visit us for 2 weeks, made a trip to Austin, went to a wedding, have had several visitors, and we have been on the road. Anyway, it is time to get back to blogging and as a result of us being a way from both sets of grandparents...I promise, cross my heart, fingers, and toes to update more often! Promise, promise, promise! Its not like some of you (you know who you are) won't call me out anyway! :)
Now back to the story...I got set up in a room, hooked to monitors, and it was time to wait. I will say this..I thought the whole process was going to be a lot quicker! I knew that my doctor was on call on Thursday so I was very excited! I had a feeling for some reason that things would just work out and she would be the one to deliver our baby. I felt very comfortable when the on-call doctor came in and told me that my doctor was coming in around 7am so we would just wait to see what happened. The nurses kept telling me I should get some sleep however, that was not going to happen. I was too excited to meet my baby. I still couldn't believe I was in labor. I did get up and walk a few times but nothing was changing and in my mind..heck let me go run. I think sometime around 4am the doctor came in and said they were going to start some Pitocin. I was a little nervous because I really wanted my doctor. She walked out of the room and I looked over at my parents and said "Wait, I thought my doctor was going to deliver..." My three cheerleaders supported me by saying they were sure things would work out. I was so nervous because my doctor knew all of my migraine concerns and honesty I didn't want to have to go through this process without her. It took a little while (although I have no idea how long) for contractions to start. My doctor came on shift and some of my self imposed nervousness was relieved. I was so happy to see her.
When the contractions started I was in bed and wanted more than anything to get up. In fact I finally asked if I could and the nurse said it was fine. My thought process - moving around would help things and make me not concentrate on the contractions so much. I honestly only remember that I would count each contraction and the time between them all while swaying back and forth. I remember watching the contraction lines on the monitor thinking that would help as well...then they asked me if I needed something to take the edge off. I agreed and that is when all time frame sequence went! Finally after hours of standing and swaying in circles Daniel convinced me to get an epidural. I agreed but was very nervous. The anesthesiologist was fantastic and could not have listened to my fears or talked me through the process in a better way. My doctor had been coming in and out to check on me and apparently she agreed I should get the epidural. After another hour my doctor came back in...almost 15 hours after beginning labor her words were powerful and we all decided a C-section was necessary. I wasn't in real danger neither was baby (we thought) but this was the next step as things were not progressing as they should. I just remember thinking something along the lines of whatever I am ready to be done with this pain. I was exhausted. Daniel started crying so I did as well. I also had a confidence and not much fear about a C-section although my doctor and I had not ever really discussed one. Previously a friend had mentioned to me that I should be prepared "because you just never know what is going to happen." My parents were amazing to calm us and help Daniel get ready while the doctors talked. Before I knew it I was being wheeled off.
Fast forwarding to what seemed like the the longest ride to the operating room. I was freaking out only wanting Daniel. Thank goodness the nurses were so sweet as well, as the anesthesiologist. I talked nonstop and made them talk to me as....I told them I was about to freak out in not so many words. I asked them if they like to snowboard, where they went to college, told them about more of our travels, and may have possibly even taught them how to call the hogs. I told my doctor to be careful, Daniel came in, and it all began. A few seconds later at 3:54pm we heard a sweet cry and everyone was cheering and saying happy birthday! I asked if he had all his fingers and toes and my doctor assured me he did. :) (Loved Dr. M..if you can't tell!) The next thing I know...Daniel was holding the sweetest little boy I had ever seen. I immediately started getting a headache so they gave me some medicine. (Love those doctors!)
Wyatt G.P. Basham arrived at 3:54pm on 7-21-11 weighing 7lb 2oz , 19 in
I was off to recovery while Daniel went with the doctors and Wyatt to do all the measurements, footprints, etc. The nurse brought Wyatt to me and I loved just looking at him! Daniel came back in recovery then my parents arrived shortly after. I was so happy to have them with us and for Daniel to be able to capture the pictures of their faces meeting Wyatt.I was moved to my room in the mother baby unit and honestly had no idea what time it was. I was just very excited to have Wyatt here and my family with me. I knew everyone was exhausted however, for some reason (I guess I was running on adrenaline) because I could not sleep. Wyatt was awake some throughout the night wanting to eat and as I have said a thousand times..I never expected feeding to be so challenging. I was so lucky to have amazing nurses in both labor and delivery as well as, in the mother baby unit. They were so kind, helpful, and patient. Allison in L and D and Jody in Mother baby were so supportive when I wasn't sure of my baby care abilities. :) It was amazing to my entire family how much they welcomed us. I think that our life is so different from they were intrigued...Daniel worked PT in this hospital, the fact that we were from out of state, and that my parents flew in from Arkansas, we talked about our four legged babies, etc! The next few days were filled with phone calls, texts, surprise flowers, and lots of loving on the new little boy. We are so thankful for all of our family and friends who checked on us while we were miles and miles away celebrating the arrival of our bundle.
My parents and Daniel did an amazing job taking care of me in the hospital. I had a hard time at first realizing that I had to take care of myself and that I had just had surgery. I knew at first I could not get up..however I didn't want this to slow me down. They had to make me rest and to accomplish this even my mom stayed at the hospital one night so Daniel could get some sleep, :) The next four days seemed to fly. We had pictures, videos to watch, forms and more forms. Wyatt had several tests including hearing and passed all of them. The doctors concluded we had a healthy happy baby boy, we just had to get feeding down. I also have to add...he was and still is a very content baby only fussing when hungry or tired. We. Are. Truly. Blessed!
First Family PictureThe last night the nurses came in and asked if they could keep Wyatt for a while. They said they really wanted to get some good snuggle time in and that he was adorable! It warmed my heart! The last day my mom and dad went to the farmer's market before coming to the hospital and brought us some special treats: blackberries, cherries, organic bread, and vegan chocolate chip cookies..yum! I am sure everyone was tired of the hospital after 4 days. I know I was ready to get home and see the puppies!! I could not believe they were going to let me take this sweet tiny baby home! ;)
He looked so tiny in his car seat and his coming home outfit was enormous! (I completely rethought the outfit I had planned because after pictures I concluded he was swimming in it!) The nurses, pediatricians, lactation consultants, etc. could not believe we were about to drive across the country with a newborn. They were excited and made us promise to keep them updated after we arrived. (I think they thought we were crazy!) The last day so many people came by to give best wishes and to have a safe trip. I was amazed that how many people knew about us, who we were, and that we were taking our new baby on a long road trip! I chose to walk out because if I could walk in..then why not walk out! HA! We left the hospital full of joy and excitement for what was to come. Up next - last few days in Oregon and the adventure to Arkansas!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Welcome Baby Boy!
Posted by Basham at 10:30 AM
Labels: orgeon, welcome baby boy, Wyatt's birth
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