Friday, April 18, 2008

Fortune Cookie, Wrapping Up, and Saying Bye

Work Pary Jan, Katie and Me
Work Party Ryan, Me, Knowles, and LA

Hershey is so ready!

T-minus 3 days until I am with Daniel and I can't wait! Today I saw something that made me reflect... A few weeks ago I got a fortune cookie that said: Look with favor upon a bold beginning. I think its totally fitting for life right now. Friday was my last day at 24 Hour and this week I am giving finals at Concordia. It’s a great feeling but also a little sad to know that I am wrapping up 5 years in Austin! I do love it here but, its time to venture out and experience something new.

When I think about my time here its ironic to me I am back staying where I began. My sweet brother Ben (well Ben and Ann's now) asked me if Hershey and I wanted to stay with them for my last month since Daniel is gone. Its odd to be in the same room and it not be filled with my things. I remember all the nights of studying for grad school in this room and now I am studying to prepare for my lectures!! It’s just so fitting! Life does circles I guess.

This weekend Amanda and Kevin came into town and my work had a going away party for me..(it was fun!) I had happy hour with my friend Cara tonight and tomorrow I am having lunch with Mary and Melissa. The next few days are filled with lunches, grading finals, and packing…I can’t wait to be in St. Louis this weekend with friends!!!